29 października 2012

Sometimes I wish I could
read my dreams.
Line by line.
Word by word.
Picture by picture.

But then I realize
I don't need any special knowledge
to understand them.

The only thing that counts,
is that I feel them,
because they are
the perfect connection.

25 października 2012

First step in the begining of my design adventure is made. I feel very well recently, so peaceful, complete with myself. This is the perfect moment for me to rise, to shout, to express what I want to. The beginning is just gaining some technical abilities, hopefully in 3 months I will be able to put something interesting here. Stay in touch.

24 października 2012

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way

You've given me more that I can return
Yet there's oh so much that you deserve

sounds fammiliar

18 października 2012

Imagine if you can
what it is like to have no posessions at all.
Very few people are able to imagine such a thing, to have nothing at all.
Well let us, you and I, try to imagine something a hundred times harder.
Not just to have nothing at all, but when there was nothing at all.
The very beginning of time.
The dawn of history.
Page one.
Nothing at all.
The earth itself with out form, and void.
Only an emptyness, formless, a dark endless waste of water.
No living thing, no plant or tree, no bird or animal.
This is before people.
Before anything at all.
A void.
Sitting silent.
And then...


Lemon Jelly Page One

17 października 2012

We can leave it all behind
This dance will keep us cold
This dance will let you know

It's all in your mind
Take your chance and turn around

11 października 2012

I don't want to judge
What's in your heart
But if you're not ready for love
How can you be ready for life?

So let's love fully
And let's love loud
Let's love now
'Cause soon enough we'll die

6 października 2012

Chance and chance alone has a message for us. Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out is mute. Only chance can speak to us. We read its message much as gypsies read the images made by coffee grounds at the bottom of a cup...

Necessity knows no magic formulae -- they are all left to chance. If a love is to be unforgettable, fortuities must immediately start fluttering down to it like birds to Francis of Assisi's shoulders.

Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being

5 października 2012

Find what you love and let it kill you.


2 października 2012

Rozdział trzeci.

Nie rozumiem.
Dalej nie rozumiem.
I wciąż nie rozumiem.